Child and Youth Mental Health (CYMH)
Case Data and Trends
This section provides data on case levels and expenditures and client satisfaction levels. More data sets will be added as the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) progresses with the key action on strengthening child and youth mental health services.
Number of CYMH Clients Served1,2,3
1 Unique Community Child and Youth Mental Health Clients, Fiscal Year 2023/2024. Source: CRIS as of July 6, 2024.
2 Vancouver Coastal SDA includes 4,331 CYMH clients in Richmond and Vancouver served by VCH (Vancouver Coastal Health Authority). VCH does not use CRIS, the Ministry’s centralized Case Management System.
3 Counts shown are for MCFD's Community and Residential Information System (CRIS) plus core CYMH services that do not use CRIS such as Vancouver Coastal SDA which is served by VCHA (Vancouver Coastal Health Authority) and other rural and remote contracted agencies providing CYMH core services. These counts do not include MCFD’s investments in contracted early intervention and prevention services, e.g. community-based counselling services, provincial programs like Confident Parents Thriving Kids, Family Smart, etc. and MCFDs investment in service enhancements such as Integrated Child & Youth (ICY) Teams, Early Intervention Enhancements (EIE), High-Intensity Outreach Services (HOIT), Satellited Services (Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre) and Foundry Expansion. A conservative estimate of the 2023/24 fiscal year total number of children and youth served including these services and other small contractors of CYMH service not using CRIS is estimated at 31,000 provincially. We are continuing to work with our community, MMHA and other partners to capture the most accurate data possible required to report out in the future.
Most Frequent Presenting Issues1
1 89% have more than one presenting issue.