

AS: Adoption Services

AYA: Agreements with Young Adults

AYAs: Agreements with Young Adults

Aboriginal: 'Aboriginal peoples' is a collective name for the original peoples of North America and their descendants. 'Indigenous peoples' is also used and is the preferred term.

After Hours Program: After Hours provides a 24-hour comprehensive, direct telephone service for after-hours/emergency services for all MCFD program areas.


CCO: Continuing Custody Order

CCOs: Continuing Custody Orders

CFCSA: Child, Family & Community Service Act

CIHR: Children in Home of Relative

CS: Child Safety

CYIC: Children and Youth in Care

CYMH: Child and Youth Mental Health Services

CYSN: Children and Youth with Support Needs

Children and Youth in Care: These are children and Youth who are under the guardianship of the the provincial director of child welfare.

Children in Care: These are children who are under the guardianship of the the provincial director of child welfare.


E&S: Executive & Support Services

ECD: Early Childhood Development

EY: Early Years Services

Eligible for adoption: Children are eligible for adoption if they are in the permanent guardianship of the Ministry or Indigenous Child and Family Service Agency through a Continuing Custody, Adoption or Infants Act legal order, and adoption is indicated in their plan of care.


F&CS: Child Safety, Family Support & Children In Care Services

FDR: Family Development Response

FSA: Foundation Skills Assessment

Family Preservation: Children and youth in need of protection that, after services from MCFD or ICFSA, are able to live safely with family or extended family.

Front Line Workers: These are employees in the service delivery areas who provide services directly to MCFD clients, such as social workers, psychologists, nurses and their support staff.


IA: Income Assistance

ICFSA: Indigenous Child and Family Service Agency (or Agencies)

ICM: Integrated Case Management System

In Care: This is a child or youth who is under the guardianship of the the provincial director of child welfare.

Income Assistance: Shelter and support assistance from Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

Indigenous: 'Indigenous peoples' is a collective name for the original peoples of North America and their descendants. Here, Indigenous means children identified as Indigenous within Ministry of Children and Family Development information systems.

Infant: This is a child between 0 to 18 months in age.


Kinship Care: These are arrangements where a child is cared for by relatives or friends of the family.


LSA: Local Services Areas


MCFD: Ministry of Children and Family Development


OCO: Out-of-care options


PDHHS: Provincial Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

PWD: Person with disability


SDA: Service Delivery Area(s)

SDS: Service Delivery Support

STOB: Standard Object of Expenditure


THA/TSA: Temporary housing Agreements and Temporary Support Agreements are financial supports that allow young people to continue to stay in their home past the age of 19 and until their 21st birthday.

Toddler: A toddler is a child whose age is 19 to 35 months, inclusive.

Transition into Adulthood: Children in the Care of the Ministry, who have reached the age of 19 and are starting the transition out of the Ministry, to adulthood.


YA: Youth Agreement(s)

YAG: Youth on Youth Agreement

YAGs: Youth on Youth Agreements

YEAF: Youth Education Assistance Fund

YJ: Youth Justice Services