Who We Serve
SDA Demographic Data
MCFD delivers or funds services across the following six service lines to approximately 130,000 children, youth and families every year:
Early Years (ECD & CC)
Children and Youth with Support Needs (CYSN)
Children and Youth Mental Health (CYMH)
Child Safety, Family, Youth and Children and Youth in Care (F&CS)
Adoption (AS)
Youth Justice (YJ)
MCFD Complaints Program
The ministry receives approximately 1,100 complaints each year, less than 1% of the total number of people served by MCFD. The ministry’s Complaints program is designed to help the ministry respond to the concerns of children, youth and families in a consistent, respectful, fair and timely manner.
Complaint issues are accepted when they are about a decision, act, or failure to act related to a service or program offered by MCFD or Indigenous Child and Family Service Agency.
A complaint may not be accepted if it is related to a matter that is before the courts, or is eligible for a review panel hearing under the Mental Health Act or under another Act or Regulation, the complaint concerns are related to a youth justice service, the matter is eligible for a foster parent review or appeal, and/or the complainant does not want to proceed with the complaint.
Core Issue
Over 2022/23, the most common complaint issues were about Case Planning (43%), followed by Information and Communication (23%) and Access to Services (10%).
Eligible complaints can be processed in two ways, Resolution – where, with the support of a complaint specialist, complainants have an opportunity to be actively involved with MCFD or Indigenous Child and Family Service Agency staff in finding a solution that addresses the complainant’s concerns, and Administrative review – where a Review Authority, a person with no involvement in any matters related to the complaint, will gather information, come to a conclusion, and make recommendations. Approximately 600 – 900 complaint issues are eligible and processed through Resolution each year; over 50 complaint issues are processed through Administrative Review.
May Have Been Opened in a Previous Fiscal Year.
About 45% of complaints following the Resolution process, completed over 2022/23, were completed within 30 days; about 70% of complaints were completed within 90 days.
Complaint Resolution
Following Complaint Resolution, an Explanation of Decision is the most common action taken (46.4%), followed by Complaint Resolution that had no action recorded (22.8%) and provision of a service (11.0%).
Around 30% of Administrative Reviews took longer than 180 days to complete.
Complaint Administrative Review
Following an Administrative review, the most common response was Administrative Reviews that had no outcome recorded (37%) , followed by an explanation of decision (16%) and change in operation practice (14%).