What We've Spent and Where - Expenditure Data
Provincial Expenditure
Gross Expenditures by Lines of Service
Total for 2022/23 is $1,954.572 million
Expenditure Service Lines:
EY = Early Childhood Development
CYSN = Services for Children & Youth with Support Needs
CYMH = Child & Youth Mental Health Services
F&CS = Child Safety, Family Support & Children In Care Services
AS = Adoption Services
YJ = Youth Justice Services
SDS = Service Delivery Support
E&S = Executive & Support Services
Net Expenditures
Total for 2022/23 is $1,743.599 million
1 The amounts shown in the bar graph are in millions.
Expenditures by Service
Contract/Vendor Counts and Expenditures April 1, 2022 to March 31, 20231, 2,3,4
Adoption Services
Child & Youth Mental Health Services
Child Safety, Family Support & Children In Care Services
Early Childhood Development and Child Care Services
Services for Children & Youth with Support Needs
Youth Justice Services
Service Delivery Support
Core Business
Children In Care (included in Core Business)
1 Contracts and vendors may be counted more than once if they provide services in multiple service delivery areas and core business.
2 STOB 80 originates from the Corporate Accounting System (CAS) for Fiscal year 2022/23. Data is downloaded through the MCF Corporate Data Warehouse.
3 The total amounts of "Core business area" are based on the "amounts billed" and is only for payments for vendors with contract number (excluding direct invoice payments).
4 "Service delivery area" is determined by Responsible Centre/Office.
Adoption Services
The budget for this line of service for the fiscal year is $36.451 million.
SDA Based Adoption Services (AS) 2022/23
Centrally Based Adoption Services (AS) 2022/23
1 Expenditures include costs for staffing, contracts, other operational expenditures and recoveries where applicable.
2 Adoption programs including medical assessment and consultation, pre-placement visitation, adoption recruitment and skills development, and post adoption services.
3 Other centralized payments includes funding for provincial support for adoption programming.
Child & Youth Mental Health Services
The budget for this line of service for the fiscal year is $129.014 million.
SDA Based Child & Youth Mental Health (CYMH) Services 2022/23
Centrally Child & Youth Mental Health (CYMH) Services 2022/23
1 Expenditures include costs for staffing, contracts and other operational expenditures. This figure does not include costs for mental health services for young offenders in the community or in custody and substance abuse treatment in the youth justice system.
2 Provide services to children and youth who are experiencing mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. Also includes staffing costs for direct service delivery for these programs.
3 'Other Services' includes Sessional Services, Support Services, Specialized Services, and Program Delivery.
4 Other Centralized Payments includes Provincial Practice, Youth Custody Centres, Youth Forensic, Facilities Administration, Aboriginal Services, Child & Youth Mental Health Policy, Permanency Planning & Guardianship, Operations & Management Performance, and Accounting Ops.
5 Recoveries are primarily received from the Ministry of Health for psychiatric physician sessions and Pathway to Hope.
6 Service Delivery Operations includes contracts not specific to any one SDA.
Child Safety, Family Support & Children In Care Services
The budget for this line of service for the fiscal year is $835.781 million.
SDA Based Child Safety, Family Support & Children In Care Services (F&CS) 2022/23
Centrally Based Child Safety, Family Support & Children In Care Services (F&CS) 2022/23
1 Non residential expenditures primarily related to ministry family and youth support programs contracts and supports to permanency.
2 Children and Youth in care expenditures primarily related to payments for foster and group care, guardianship, supported Independent Living and delegated aboriginal services. Includes $2.430M Complex Need facility staffing and operational costs.
3 Out of Care Kinship Care (Alternates to Care/Out of Care Kinship Care) expenditures include payments for the Extended Family (EFP) and Child in Home of a Relative (CIHR) programs.
4 Out of Care Residential Care (Alternates to Care/Out of Care Residential Care).
5 Youth Agreements (Alternates to Care/Youth Agreements).
6 Post Majority Supports (Alternates to Care/Post Majority Supports) include Agreement with Young Adult (AYA) payments as well as funding for the Youth Education Assistance Fund (YEAF), Youth in Care Education Fund, Learning Fund for Young Adults, Covenant House and YMCA STRIVE program.
7 Program Delivery-Child Welfare Expenditures include costs for staffing, legal services, miscellaneous recoveries and operational costs associated with direct service delivery.
Early Childhood Development Programs
The budget for this line of service for the fiscal year is $40.256 million.
SDA Based Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programs 2022/23
Centrally Based Early Childhood Development (ECD) Programs 2022/23
1 Expenditures include costs for staffing, contracts, miscellaneous recoveries and other operational expenditures.
2 ECD Programs are aimed at helping parents, families and service providers provide the best possible start for BC’s children (aged 0 to 6) and support their healthy development. Examples of ECD programs and initiatives include: Success by Six funding, the Roots and Seeds of Empathy Programs, Children’s First Initiatives, Building Blocks, Family Resource Programs & Aboriginal Early Childhood Development. These services are provided at the SDA and Provincial Office level.
3 Majority of expenditures are for provincially- held contracts.
4 Others; Aboriginal Service, Policy Legislation&Litigation, Recoveries and Partnerships & Indigenous Engagement.
Services for Children & Youth with Support Needs
The budget for this line of service for the fiscal year is $480.381 million.
SDA Based Services for Children & Youth with Support Needs (CYSN) 2022/23
Centrally Based Services for Children & Youth with Support Needs (CYSN) 2022/23
1 Expenditures include costs for staffing, contracts, miscellaneous recoveries and other operational expenditures.
2 CYSN services include: foundational programs (i.e. Early Intervention Therapy, Infant Development, Supported Child Development), Family Support programs (i.e. respite services) and services for Support Needs Children in Care. These programs and interventions are intended to support children's healthy development, maximize quality of life and assist families in their role as primary care givers. Included in these expenditures are the staffing costs for direct service delivery for these programs.
3 Others include Accounting Ops, Strategic Priorities, ADM Service Delivery, and Financial Services.
4 Recoveries are received from the Federal Government for Support Needs Children in Care.
5 Service Delivery Operations includes contracts not specific to any one SDA.
Youth Justice Services
The budget for this line of service for the fiscal year is $51.320 million.
SDA Based Youth Justice Services (YJ) 2022/23
Centrally Based Youth Justice Services (YJ) 2022/23
1 Expenditures include costs for staffing, contracts, miscellaneous recoveries and other operational expenditures.
2 Provides operation of youth custody centres and youth forensic services as well as full time residential programs; youth bail hostels; day programs; intensive supervision programs; alternative measures; community services orders; and addictions programs in youth custody centres.
3 Other centralized payments includes funding for Accounting Ops.
4 Recoveries primarily relate to federal funding for high priority services, which include substance abuse treatment, violent offence treatment, intensive support and supervision and community-based alternatives to custody.
5 Service Delivery Operations includes contracts not specific to any one SDA.